DIVERSUS video mockup with some basic explanations
The artificial voice of the film is really dry and the text never got beyond the first draft because the events overtook us. But in principle everyone knows what is meant and there is a lot to discuss. Why is Google a knowledge prevention machine? What is dialectical emergence? Where is the potential of DIVERSUS? The film was intended more as a study, as a means of transporting complex phenomena and solutions that could never have been expressed in pure text. It was an important milestone and our dream was always that it could eventually form a root (knot) in DIVERSUS.
We (Katya and Martin) designed, discussed and programmed the film when we walked over the Annapurna Pass in Nepal in 2018. We shared our thoughts with great people. Martin Sönderup (Söndi), Martin and Claude and many more, who gave us important impulses, later participated in Hackathons in Berlin. In the last part you can see some wildly mixed excerpts from one of the hackathons at our home.