Inspirium And The Gross Knowledge Product – Better Than Gold!

In the beginning of 2018 we worked for some month on a Whitepaper because we had with Bitspace a potential partner, who was interested in financing and developing DIVERSUS on a blockchain base, they are part of the EOS-world. But the crypto-crisis from 2018 stopped the efforts and perhaps the pace was too fast for us in these month. We needed some more time.

Although the result of this phase was only text once more, we came up with a quite interesting idea, connected to our dialectical core: to bind the value of our token “Inspirium” to the general cognition that has been performed in our network.

The effect of such an economic tool is pretty intriguing. This means, when more cognition is needed investors can start to invest into it – in times of crisis the value of Inspirium grows, cognition grows and solutions appear. The Whitepaper 0.3.4 was in some parts underdeveloped, but there are some interesting hooks in it. We defined the most precious thing as the true value of this currency: our inspiration.

Yannick Lebert and I worked in later 2018 more on a possible Inspirium economy, connected to the DIVERSUS – T.I.M. relation and in a later post, we will present our ideas to the community – leave us a comment, when you want to start a discussion – but to be honest, we always hope that this will happen soon in our prototype. We call these discussions, where we discuss our own affairs in our own tool “icecream” (//instead of dogfood).

For people who really want to dive into the DIVERSUS cosmos and be part of the discussion, the Whitepaper 0.3.4 is perhaps not too deep. It’s a nicely written brainstorming, with some confusion in it.

We talked about the Inspirum economy already in the Whitemovie. But its latest design is still not communicated yet. Time :-/
